i think ms paint won...
For being such a nice guy I have WAY too many enemies.
Well not really enemies in the classical sense, that is to say a man with a gravity deifying curl in his mustache, wearing a cape and top hat while tying me to the train tracks… no I don’t mean that at all.
I mean there are people out there that do not necessarily like me all that much, if I was in a car accident and dying on the side of the road they would just pass on by (well, that was a bit dramatic. I don’t think that they would actually pass by. No, I think they would stop but they would only do the bare minimum that they would have to do to sleep peacefully at night. Maybe a phone call to the authorities and an insincere “how are you holding up….no your look fine….oh don’t say that, everything is going to be alright…well listen I got this thing I gotta go to, I called the cops so…yeah, I’ll see you later”.
That’s all I would get.
No, not enemies, but people who don’t care for me all that much.
But the real question isn’t “how did this happen”
But rather “why do I care”
I don’t know, but I do
I don’t know what’s worse the echoing ring of desolate loneliness or the searing pain of hearing the cackles of a moron in a full room.
That is to say I don’t know what’s worse; now or yesterday.
I feel at peace while I write this. Why? Because, it’s just about three A.M. I have to work in a couple of hours I haven’t slept and its raining outside.
It’s not just drizzle, I’m talking about full blown “serial-killer-staring-at-you-though-the-window-unnoticed-until-a flash-of-lighting-reveals-a-shadow-of-him-on-your-bedroom-wall” raining.
It’s amazing.
I take comfort in storms, not because I’m a Sad Goth Clown of a Man and I love all that is depressing, no.
I’m not that deep
No, it’s because it reminds me of home.
I was born in
Rain is my blanket.
But of course I digress, which I do quite a lot and if you are one of the four people reading this pretentious drivel then you should get used to it right quick.
There was a point to this.
But I lost it.
I’ll just continue this tomorrow after some rest, some mindless work catering to the intellectually stunted, and some food.
I’m thinking falafel.