It seems that my computer and I are finally getting along... After a hard fought battle, he (she?) and I have finally come to terms and he (she??) has decided to run Photoshop without any major side effects.
In other words: NEW I KILL COMICS!
This first strip is really about me working through some demons, and my anxieties from moving to DC and leaving everyone...but if anyone asks, it's about Male Nipples...
This second one is just about chapped lips, there isn't any other deeper meaning than least I don't think there is...
So over the weekend I watched the new James Bond flick: Quantum of Solace and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lo, this is NOT a movie review blog by any means, so moving on to the importanat note: Before the movie, I bore witness to what was perhaps the greatest sight in recent memory: BEHOLD AND REJOICE!
No longer will we have to live under the tyranny of Skywalkers and Wookies!
Wow it's really been 191 days since I've last posted on this blog. That's 6 months and 7 days! Just about 27 weeks! 4584 hours! 275,040 minutes! 16,502,400 seconds, 401, 402, 403!
(Sorry I just found a new toy online Don't know what it's called but it's Awesome!)
A lot has happened since I've been gone, well will run down the majors in shorthand
-I moved to DC
-The ugliest presidential campaign in recent memory was carried out
oh, and yeah...
-my faith in people suddenly surged back
Well it was less of a surge and more a concerning spark. I, of course, am talking about The Election, and the victory of Barack Hussein Obama.
I can go into the specifics of how horrible and emotional this race was, everything from the Acorn fiasco, to that chick who carved a backwards "B" on her face, to the subtle (overt?) racism that was a cornerstone of the Steve Schmitt run McCain campaign, to the Feyian lampooning of that Governor from Alaska, but instead I want to talk about what’s going on now.
We won.
Yes I know that’s a difficult concept to wrapped our cynical little heads around, but we did. The world isn't perfect, Tinkerbelle didn't fly around spreading magic fairy dust on our nation in some Disney-like Deus ex Machina effect, but we succeeded in electing the obviously better candidate. I know it's a historic event, but it's only a small victory in comparison on what there is left to do. We have 2/3 wars going on, our economy is in shambles, the opinion shared by the world of us has never been lower, and yet some of us - no - most of us believe that the worst is over, that we can go back to our couches and watch whatever cannon-filth was distracting us from the real world before. Turn on the "news" and you will see that some pundits are already trying to convince people that President Obama has failed two months before he is even sworn in! Junkie Rush Limbaugh is trying to coin the term "The Obama Rescission" to describe our current economic crisis.
This all leads me to my point (yes I have one): there is a disturbing trend I see in my fellow younguns: A backlash on support for Obama. I call it “Fringe Support” that is support given to a candidate only when his popularity is at a certain ratio. I know this is a bit confusing but bear with me. I see this happen to my friends taste in music all the time, Example: Person A will like Band A just as long as Band A‘s popularity will stay within the margin of this “Fringe Support”. If Band A exceeds that margin, and let’s say becomes so popular that they perform on an episode of the Tonight Show then Person A will no longer support them. Now the margins of “Fringe Support” are very narrow when it comes to bands, depending on the person it wouldn’t take much more then a play on a radio for them to stop supporting the band, but when it comes to Obama the margin is wide. He could be on the Ellen show, dancing it up, or on every news channel for two consecutive years. This made me think that there wasn’t a wide enough margin out there that would lead to the “Fringe Support” to stop. Then came the days after the election, and the pick of Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff, and the press conference Obama held to discuss the economic crisis, and the meeting of the current President and the President-Elect and I started noticing the whispers. A blog post here, a blog post there, questioning his choices, questioning his abilities. The left calling him a “Centrist,” the right calling him a “Liberal”. It started making more and more sense; I don’t think these people honestly thought he would win. I believe they were supporting a martyr. One would lose in a hail of gunfire, that would always be pure who would never fade away, who would never falter on their beliefs.
They wanted a martyr.
So now that Obama has won there isn’t anyway he can be one for them, he has now become *gasp* THE MAN!
So what do we do now?
I don’t know yet, but what I do know is that those of you who opened their eyes for the first time and started not only paying attention to politics but got into them somehow (whether through canvassing or volunteering) you can’t stop now. You can’t close your eyes again; it just doesn’t work like that.
We have to be vigilant for 2010, because it’s just around the corner.