Saturday, December 6, 2008

Idle Hands are the Devil's Playground

It seems that I have A LOT of work to do, work that will keep me very busy for the foreseeable future.
"Why?", you ask.
Well, as of about 5p.m. today, my Moleskin Pocket Notebook that I carry around with me at all time, is full.
Full of comics strips.

Not finished ones mind you.

An intellectually cathartic collection of notes, doodles, and full scripts for about fifteen to thirty comic strips. Scripts that are not only begging to be made into real boys, but ones that are still funny to me!

That alone is a feat worth writing about.
(Quick background info: the moment I put an idea to paper, I no longer find any use for it. If it was funny, its isn't anymore. If it was striking, it's now bland. If it's - well you get the point.)
But, for some odd reason, these scripts are still hilarious!

(well, to me anyway)
Which leads me to this status update: or "How I spent/am spending my Weekend: A visual Essay by Fahad."

This is the new Strip I'm working on, I won't tell you the "story" because it's a four panel strip and any description will ruin the punchline.

Let's just say:
Next Time on "I Kill Comics" Fahad and Sam meet a VERY SPECIAL Friend... Guest Starring ________!

sounds fun, right?

and now I leave you with a sketch of my Dad:

(yeah...I really didn't know how to wrap up this post.)

1 comment:

Blake A. Oates, MS said...

You know, I was just thinking about this today. Good to see that you're still working on this. I got it on my favorites from my blog, so keep it up...because if you don't, I'll know.