Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kitten is to Cat

Here's a "New" strip, new in the sense that you guys haven't seen it. I have been sitting on a BUNCH of strips because I wanted everyone to have a book full of new material for COMIC VS. READER 1 but since we have hit a few speed bumps it was suggested to me to just start uploading the content from CvR to the site while we wait. So, here is the first of what will be a series of regular updates (so says the Boy Who Cried Comics)

'KITTEN IS TO CAT, AS BOY IS TO OGRE': this is the first of a two part running joke, both strips were done while I was manning the Cafe @ Borders Book in DC (man, I miss that store). Tried to experiment with doing the grey-scales by hand (this time with Prismacolor markers, Cool Grey 10%, 30%, and 40%)...I think I am going to stick with digital grey-scales from now on.

*also, this strip was created just 10 short days after "D-Day" so that undoubtedly had some effect on the overall mood of it...

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